I have finally finished my copy of the statue of the Amenhotep III!
Alkuperäinen veistos:
The original statue:
Ja oma versioni:
And my own version:
Kun olin veistänyt patsaan styroksista, peitin sen voimapaperilla. Patsas sai aluksi 2 kerrosta, ja lopuksi lisäsin vielä 2 kerrosta lisää valtaistuimeen, joka ottanee eniten iskuja vastaan.
When I had sculptured the statue out of styrofoam, I covered it with craft paper. At first I covered the statue with 2 layers, but then I added 2 more layers to the throne as it is most likely to take some hits.
Tummemman pohjavärin päälle (1-pohjaa ja pastaa) töpöttelin erilaisia harmaita saadakseni aikaan kivimäisen pintakuvion, jossa mielestäni onnistuin ihan hyvin. Lopuksi viimeistelin pinnaan maalaamalla valtaistuimeen hieroglyfejä, ja varjostamalla joitakin kohtia patsaasta lisää.
On a darker base colour I painted some different shades of gray (not 50, though) to create a stone-like pattern. I think I succeeded quite well.
In my opinion, the statue is quite OK. I've got some praise, but naturally I see all the mistakes I've done. In the end the statue is fairly far from the original, but I have never been too good at sculpturing anything. This has been an excellent way of practising it, though, and I've enjoyded every moment. Even if it lasted so long. Perhaps, if I ever have a change again, I'll do better.
- Mea